Bellarine Historic Vehicle Club Calendar of Events


Monthly run occurs on the third Sunday of the Month, details are best found at our Facebook page, for details as to location, meeting place and any other info relevant it the run on that day.

Our 2 x Day Tour is usually run in August dates again will be on Facebook and on the Web site

Displays are held down on the waterfront in Geelong and also on Customs Park, dates will be on Facebook.




Events Calendar

The Club meets on the second Monday of each month at The Leopold Sportsman's Club, Kensington Road, Leopold, at 7.00 pm. All members are encouraged to
attend and enjoy dinner, drinks or coffee in the Sportsman's Club's superb dining area before the meeting. There is free parking in the adjoining car parks.

BHVC Dates for November & December to note in your diary!


1.  Thursday, 21/11 - Coffee morning at PikNik, 1195 Queenscliff Road, Swan Bay at 10:30am

 2.  Sunday 1/12 - Customs Lawn, Geelong Waterfront, BHVC vehicle car display (let me know if you haven't already registered with me and would like your vehicle to participate - no charge).  This activity will be from 10:00am - 3:00pm (set-up for participating vehicles at 9:45am) and provides an opportunity to show case your vehicle.  If you are not displaying your vehicle, come along and support the club and chat with members.

 3.  New activity!  Coffee morning  -  due to members request we have planned a coffee morning on Wednesday 4/12 at 10:30am at the Eastern Hub Seasons Café' 285a Mckillop Street East Geelong.

4.  Thursday, 5/12, vehicle display at Bunnings, Leopold (time to be confirmed, but usually a couple of hours from 6:00pm).  This is another opportunity to show case your vehicle and talk to the public and other likeminded people.  Further details to follow.

 5.  Monday, 9/12 - BHVC Club Meeting - Guest Speaker, Tony Featherstone from The Cottage by the Sea.  If you are able to donate anything (see attached wish list) please bring items along to either the November or December meeting.  We will have a box available at the November meeting for any items you can help them with.  If you want further information about the Cottage by the Sea and what they do, please email me.

6.  Wednesday, 11/12 from 6:00pm onwards (ready to eat at 6:30pm) the BHVC Xmas Break-up BBQ at Wrathel Reserve, The Esplanade, Indented Heads.  Free BBQ provided by the club, BYO drinks, chairs and small table (if required).  Toilets are on site.  A wet weather back-up has been planned, details will be provided to everyone who RSVP's closer to the date if we need to move this activity.  RSVP's essential for catering purposes.

 Other Upcoming Events (not organised by the Club) that may interest you:

1.  Sunday, 20th October, 10:30am onwards  -  The Vintage & Classic Car Club, Ballarat have invited car clubs to join them at their 2024 picnic at 4 Powells Lane, Mt. Franklin.  This is a casual "no frills" picnic and an opportunity to meet other like-minded car enthusiasts.  BYO everything, toilets are on site.

2.  Sunday 17th November the Cobden Swap Meet & Motor Show is being held at Pioneer Park, Grayland Street, Cobden.  Bike and motor show (all vehicles welcome), market stalls, car boot sales, food, drink and music.